TPUG - Toronto PET Users Group
TPUG Users Group CD
TPUG Users Group CD.iso
S-Super PET
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mnemonics operation registers 'R' adr.modes flags 6809
cwai andcc clear cond.cd. # as specified
sync orcc set cond.code # as specified
swi leaR M load eff addr X Y S U Idx Z (X Y only)
swi2 ldR M load register A B D X Y S U # DE Idx N Z V0
swi3 stR M store register A B D X Y S U # DE Idx N Z V0
cmpR M R - M > flags A B D X Y S U # DE Idx N Z V C
bitR M R & M > flags A B # DE Idx N Z V0
tstR Set flags A B .M DE Idx N Z V0
sex clrR clear set to 0 A B .M DE Idx N0 Z1 V0 C0
comR one's compl. A B .M toggle DE Idx N Z V0 C1
negR two's compl. A B .M negate DE Idx H? N Z V C
lsl = aslR C < R < 0 A B .M DE Idx H? N Z V C
rolR C < R < C A B .M DE Idx N Z V C
asrR 7 > R > C A B .M DE Idx H? N Z C
lsrR 0 > R > C A B .M DE Idx N0 Z C
rorR C > R > C A B .M DE Idx N Z C
nop incR R + 1 = R A B .M DE Idx N Z V
decR R - 1 = R A B .M DE Idx N Z V
mul andR M R & M = R A B # DE Idx N Z V0
orR M R v M = R A B # DE Idx N Z V0
eorR M R ^ M = R A B # DE Idx N Z V0
daa adcR M R + M+C=R A B # DE Idx H N Z V C
sbcR M R - M-C=R A B # DE Idx H? N Z V C
addR M R + M = R A B D # DE Idx H N Z V C
subR M R - M = R A B D # DE Idx H? N Z V C
abx B + X = X
rti jmp M jump DE Idx
rts jsr M jump subroutine DE Idx
lbsr bsr branch to subroutine
lbrn brn branch never 4/2 byte
lbra bra branch always
lbeq beq branch equal zero ........................... Z=1
lbne bne branch not equal zero ....................... Z=0
lbmi bmi branch on minus ............................. N=1
lbpl bpl branch on plus .............................. N=0
lbvc bvc branch on overflow clear .................... V=0
lbvs bvs branch on overflow set ...................... V=1
lbhi bhi branch if higher ............................ C=Z=0
lbhs bhs/bcc branch if higher or same (carry clear) ...... C=0
lbls bls branch if lower or same ..................... C<>Z
lblo blo/bcs branch if lower (branch carry set) .......... C=1
lbgt bgt sbranch if greater than zero ................. N=V & Z=0
lbge bge sbranch if greater or equal zero ............. N=V
lble ble sbranch if less or equal ..................... N<>V or Z=1
lblt blt sbranch if less than ......................... N<>V
exg R,R exchange regs. like size
tfr R,R transfer fr to like size
pshs R push on S stck PCL-PCH UL-UH YL-YH XL-XH DP B A CC (specify)
pshu R push on U stck PCL-PCH SL-SH YL-YH XL-XH DP B A CC (specify)
puls R pull fr S stck CC A B DP XH-XL YH-YL UH-UL PCH-PCL (specify)
pulu R pull fr U stck CC A B DP XH-XL YH-YL SH-SL PCH-PCL (specify)
irq and nmi PCL-PCH UL-UH YL-YH XL-XH DP B A CC CC(E)=1
firq PCL-PCH CC CC(E)=0
Flags: E F H I N Z V C
Entire state FIRQ Halfcarry IRQ Negativ Zero overfl Carry
Idx = n,PCR ,R n,R A,R B,R D,R ,R++ ,R+ ,-R ,--R
plus indirection [] (except for ,R+ ,-R)
DE = Direct Page, Extended and [Extended]